Sometimes the evil and darkness of this world seem so huge, so engulfing.
There is so little I can do.
What is my one light in so much darkness?
I feel the weight of correcting things, bringing peace, making everything right again.
But that is not my responsibility.
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the World."
I am not the Savior. I am not the Light. I am not the Peace.
I am not the Hope. He is.
It is not my job to decide how He will bring His peace or when.
He is God.
But He did tell his followers also that "we are the light of the world."
That doesn't mean just me.
That means all of those who follow Him, who have His Spirit within them.
It's not all my responsibility. It is corporate. It is communal.
It is not my job to decide how others will shine their lights or when.
It is just my job to shine.
I may not be able to wash the evil from all hearts.
But I can hold the hands of a rape victim as her body twists from the pain of flashbacks.
I may not be able to comfort every wound.
But I can welcome a widow back to her cold and dark home with a warm meal and ears that listen.
I may not be able to right every wrong.
But I can step up boldly and speak for those who can't speak for themselves,
Those who are too weak physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally . . . .
This is how I choose to shine my light.
Its extent, its results, its impact,
Those are not up to me.
But rather to the One who said,
"The Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1:5