Thursday, November 26, 2009

Being Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is enjoying some part of their day. Holidays can be rough and sometimes it's just the few moments when you first waken in the morning that makes your day special . . . or a turkey that actually cooked all the way through this year . . . or 2 minutes to yourself in quiet reflection at the end of the day.

I always feel a lot of pressure on these holidays to make the whole day big and grand and phenomenal and to have all the big and grand and phenomenal emotions to go along with it. And most often that's just not realistic.

And a few quiet moments tucking my hand securely into God's, talking to Him, and breathing, "Thank you," are more meaningful than the whole "shebang" of the day!

So, what am I doing today, you ask?

Well, a little of this:

and a little of this:

and a little of this:

And a whole lot of this:

and, yes, today I'm being thankful . . . very thankful!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercies endure forever!"

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful Shelley, so glad you all could get away for a few days and relax.

