Friday, February 3, 2012

How 'Bout Them 2012 Goals!

Well, it's been a month.  Time for a checkup on the 2012 goals.

#1 - Early to bed, early to rise.  Ooooh, oooh, definite points for this one.  I have been getting up early every morning and have been rewarded by some stunning sunrises!

#2 - Drawers, closets, cupboards, pantries of the M household.  Ahem.  Well, 3 drawers done this month.  At this rate, I should finish half the kitchen by the close of 2012.  ::sigh::  Any person in my household accusing me of desperately racing to clean out drawer #3 so I could take this picture should be assumed to be bitter, biased and uncooperative with the spirit of this post.

#3 - Meal plans and shopping list.  Did a splendid job on month 1.  We are now in month 2.  If I don't get a meal list together by this afternoon, I am in jeopardy of falling of the wagon here.

#4 - Prairie Fire Throw.  Going swimmingly.  I pick it up when sitting with grouchy children doing their math.  Keeps me very calm.

(This is my grandmother's old magazine and sewing box.  I think she would be glad that I'm knitting.)

#5 - Blogging.  Starts my day out with a smile.  Right on track here.

#6 - More time spent with kids out of doors.  Uh . . . well . . . hmmmm.  Let's see.  I did pack them all up one day to head to Hendersonville, NC to go hiking.  Stopped for gluten-free pizza.  Chomped on pizza and sipped Izze Sparkling Sodas.  Drove by thrift/antique store.  Stopped at thrift/antique store.  Shopped thrift/antique store for 1 1/2 hours.  Ran out of time for hiking.  But found this adorable vintage ricer.  Ahem.

Okay . . . so/so.  The great thing about goals:  you may not attain them, but they do keep you headed in the right direction.

How are you doing with your 2012 goals?


  1. I will have to post about that next week. Thanks for reminding me to check on the progress. I don't think I did as good as you did though. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Haven't gotten 'round to making a decision as to what goals I'm to meet.

  3. Happy to find your Blog today.
    What a beautiful sky!!!
    So wonderful your pictures!

  4. That is awesome - I was actually doing my monthly goal check this weekend as well. So far so good on my end of things as well. Cheers.

  5. Your goals for 2012 are going better than mine...actually I don't have any! I am sooooo bad at keeping them that I figure it is best not to have any. xoxoxooxo Happy Monday. Your throw is looking lovely...adore that colour.
