Saturday, March 21, 2009


"Once you've experienced a life of faith, it ruins you for the ordinary."
Loren Cunningham


  1. This is very pretty- The photo and the quote.
    I wanted to thank you for answering my pleas for help. I wrote to Lucy, and she answered back pretty much right away. I am going to attempt the tote project-soon. I just have to finish one or two things here first, but I am so happy to have the info ready to go now. THANK YOU!

  2. So very true
    Lovely photo

  3. Shelley - I am so happy to meet you! Thank you for your very kind comment. You have no idea how encouraging your words were.
    Your blog is lovely. The quote and picture are just right. We are blessed that though, as your blog name says, we live with imperfection (Oh boy do I!) we do not live ordinary lives. We are daily touched by His grace.
    I'm so excited to see your dishrag pattern. Yours is the third one I've seen recently, and I'm going to do them all. I think they are so cute! And I absolutely love to knit. This is one I think my granddaughters, who are just learning to knit, would like to try.
    Thanks again for visiting.
