Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Worlds Collide

Here's a funny moment my blogging buddies will appreciate.

Several weeks ago I did my "100th Post Giveaway." When I had a winner, I packaged up the goodies and took everything to the UPS Store to have it boxed up and shipped.

I was waited on by a young-working-his-way-through-college clerk. I gave him the individual packages to box up and a little note to lay on the top that had the sentence in it: Thanks for being a sweet reader.

I saw him read the little note. And then his eyes widened, and he stood a little taller and asked with admiration, "Are you an author?"

I paused a moment. A nice long moment. A nice long moment in which I savored the words "you" and "author" being used within the same sentence. I smiled indulgently.

And then I shook myself and said, "Oh, no, no. I just have a little blog and I did a little giveaway."

"Wow, must be a pretty big blog to be able to do a giveaway!!!"

Well, uh, no, you dear young thing. Giveaways pretty much pop up like wildflowers in an open field here in Blogland.

"What do you blog about?"

Oh, my. I dove right in. "Well, just, uh stuff like, uh, being a mom and home and, uh, stuff like that," my excellent verbal skills proving my true claim to the title of "author."

Ahem. What was he to do with this information?

"Well, uh, I guess at least there wouldn't be many people who would blog on that topic." ::nervous giggle:: "So, at least, uh, you'd have a corner on that market."

Oh, my, you dear naive boy. You dear-naive-working-your-way-through-college-at-the-UPS-store-totally-outside-my-realm-my-world-my-sphere-boy.

Yes, there are 3 of us that blog about home and life.


3 million* that is. At least that's what it was when I went to bed last night. By this morning it was 3.4 million of us domestic/creative/bloggy type people out there.

The UPS clerk quickly boxed up the goods and avoided any more converations that would involve blogs, writing or domesticity . . . clearly three subjects far outside his comfort zone.

Then he returned to reading Hot Rod Magazine and drinking his Jolt Power Cola.

And I drove home to blog about painting my deck with my boys and making tabbouleh and knitting eco-friendly cotton market bags.

*Note: I have NO idea how many crafty/domestic/creative bloggers there are. Don't look to me for a source of statistics!! I just randomly pulled this fact out of the air : )


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! So funny! Cute post & You are a fabulous writer lovey :)

  2. I love it, when he is a father out of college (hopefully) he "may" understand. Cute post. :)

  3. Let me be the __th person to say...I ABSOLUTELY could see your writing published one day. Your ability to flesh out a story with words is truly a gift. You have the perfect blend of humor, wisdom, humililty, and every other necessary ingredient to make for a good read. I'm demanding {a fellow bloggers perogative to do so} you put it on your MUST DO list.

    Your new posts arrive in my email box and every time I see that one has arrived, I look forward to opening it! I know I'm in for a treat and I've yet to be disappointed.

    When I read this post, I was just giggling. Felt like I was standing right behind you watching this event unfold right before my eyes. Quite amusing. Loved it!

    Hope you'll be blogging a long time. You're a breath of wonderful fresh air!

  4. oh bless his little heart. :) that's hilarious.

  5. That is hilarious. People who have never heard of blogging have no earthly idea about all of this. I know I didn't until I started blogging. Wow it opened up a whole new world to me and so many new cyberfriends that I wish I could live next door to in real life.


  6. Oh, you're an author. And an artist. Own it!

  7. What a great and beautifully told story! I think there is so much skill involved to make the everyday into an interesting story the way you do.
